What is attitude? Attitude is a mind set - it is your
mental focus on the outside world - in other words it
is the picture of life you choose to take. Attitude
is never static it is on-going and dynamic and is affected
by a number of factors - stress, set-backs, relationships,
self-image - to mention just some. It is also not always
easy to remain positive - however the spin-offs of trying
to be positive most of the time are immense and will
reflect in every aspect of our lives.
Executive recruiters at Harvard
University found that in a study that 85% of everything
a person accomplishes after university in the way
of wealth, status and position is as a result of
attitude; only 15% is the result of aptitude and
abilities. |
The experts tell us that the Benefits of a Positive
attitude are:
1. Enhanced creativity - being able to think more openly
and freely
2. Increased enthusiasm - being positive creates more
3. Healthier relationships with friends, family and
4. Bigger network of people - you transmit friendly
signals to others
5. Coping with failure and setbacks more effectively
6. A positive self-image and enhanced self-awareness
Norman Vincent Peale wrote - when
you expect the best you release a magnetic force in
your mind which by law of attraction tends to bring
the best to you.
All of us need to engage in some attitude
renewal and adjustment. We need to assess where we are
at and then either do some refreshing, repairing, rejuvenating
or restoring - whatever it is that is needed. It is
so easy to get caught in a rut of negativity and dullness!
"If you choose to always
stay in the middle of the road sooner or later you
will get run over"
Anon |