+27 11 447 7706 - Cell: +27 82 553 3581 - E-mail: terryz@mweb.co.za
Management Training Consultants is a Training and Development company based in Hyde Park, Johannesburg.
It is run by Terry Zietsman who designs and trains programmes on a national and international basis.
For further details on courses, workshops and talks Terry can be contacted on:
Tel: +27 11 447 7706; Cell: +27 82 553 3581; Email: terryz@mweb.co.za;
Website: www.tlz.co.za
Quote of the month
"What is the time?" NOW
"Where are you?" HERE
Dan Millman
Welcome to my next newsletter. I thank you in advance for reading and please feel free to share this with anyone who you believe will enjoy.
Having just lost my precious dad suddenly and unexpectedly a few weeks ago, I found myself questioning life. We humans are interesting as we often only question when we experience pain. When our lives are on an even keel and flowing smoothly we seldom take the time to reflect. So what did my reflections produce?
Nothing new, just some reminders for us all.
"Death is not sad; some people don’t live at all."
Start each day with a smile:
… or as one of my delegates asked the other day: ‘Will a grimace be ok?’ That made me smile. However smiling really does have a lot of positives going – here are some:
• It makes us more attractive – it pulls people towards us.
• It is contagious – people really do smile back (well most of the time).
• It can lift our mood – smiling can actually trick the body into feeling better.
• It releases happy ‘hormones’ – studies have shown that smiling releases endorphins, serotonin and natural pain killers.
• It makes one appear successful – smiling in meetings and at appointments makes one appear more confident and in control.
"A warm smile is the universal language of kindness." - William Arthur Ward
Live in the Now!:
We are all too often focused on the past and what’s going to happen in the future and in doing so we miss out on the moment. How many times have you found yourself listening ahead of someone, rushing through something because there’s something else to do? How many ‘NOW’ moments have you missed – never to be regained? I have always tried to live in the present however since my dad’s death I find myself even more in the Now moment. There is immense pleasure in snuggling into the warm duvet, sipping that hot chocolate, smelling the wet grass after the rain, being totally captivated by that piece of music, stroking my cat ….the list is endless…
"There is real power in bringing your awareness into the now. When all of your being is surrendered to just this moment, fully present, freedom is revealed to already be there." - Brandon Bays
Eat a slice of humble pie every day:
It never ceases to amaze me that there are so many people out there who ooze arrogance because they think they’ve made it! Made what? Pride, conceitedness, ego and arrogance are inhibitors. My dad was a very humble man and for that I thank him. We all can recall the ad where the guy is shouting at the check in agent at the airport and then screams – “do you know who I am?” she calmly goes on loudspeaker and ask ‘Does anyone know this person as he doesn’t know who he is?” I loved that!
"Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less." - Rick Warren
Make everyone you meet feel special:
I was taught never to go visiting empty handed. Arriving at a friends’ for dinner recently I had brought a wrapped gift I had made and she exclaimed ”Oh wow it’s Christmas!” That is exactly how we should think of our interaction with others. Be attentive, listen, make eye contact, and ask questions. It may not be about a gift, however just giving some one attention makes them feel special. Have you noticed how many people today sms while supposedly having a conversation with you? How often do you interrupt; turn the conversation back to yourself; forget to say please and thank you? How great we feel when someone makes us feel special so start doing the same.
"Every person you meet in life has a flashing sign on their chest. It says…make me feel special." - George Cummings
"No-one can make you feel inferior without your consent":
That wonderful quote by Eleanor Roosevelt really resonates with me. I recall years ago that special video by Leo Buscaglia called “Only you can make a difference” where he says ….no-one can put you on a downer if you don’t want to go there. Allowing others to make us angry or negative or disappointed is giving them power. Easier said than done of course however reminding ourselves not to allow anyone to ‘rain on your parade’ is vital to our well being!
Count your blessings:
I too am guilty of complaining although I’ve learnt to give myself a good ‘klap’ when I do. What a futile exercise! How often do you find yourself judging and whinging instead of just saying thank you? If you could put a Rand value on some of the things you have and don’t even think about, you may surprise yourself at your wealth. Your family, special friends, your sight, your health, your education, your job … the list is endless. So next time you find yourself about to have a good whine – think twice!
"The hardest arithmetic we encounter is that which enable us to count our blessings." - Eric Hoffer
- This is a laugh out loud book by gossip queen Deborah Baer on how to handle those dramas and traumas that happen to us and make us exclaim “Oh my God! She provides witty, witchy and wicked solutions to these OMG situations. A hoot of a read.
- A rather off beat approach to exactly what the title says. A survival guide to the new workplace that is full of pressure, people who p&*s us off and technology. Bing provides a number of what he calls EXECUTRICKS to provide valuable guidance in this new and stressful workplace of ours. Another hoot of a read
- Bounds gives valuable and simple advice and guidelines on how to raise your game to a new level. You will walk away with better networking, presenting, communicating and selling skills and tools. An interesting and insightful read.
To read past copies of Terry's newsletters and what training programmes she offers
visit her website:
"For a long time it seemed to me that life was about to begin…real life.
But there was always some obstacle in the way….something to
get through first…some unfinished business…
some time still to be served…a debt to be paid.
At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were just part of my life.
This perspective has helped me realise that there is no way to happiness
…happiness is the way.
So treasure every moment you have and remember that time waits for no one."
"At home I’m a nice guy, but I don’t want the world to know.
Humble people don’t get very far!" Muhammed Ali
"When I see the smiles on all the children’s faces I know they are about to
jab me with something." Homer Simpson
Should you be interested in making use of Terry’s services as a Trainer, Coach and Facilitator please see her course menu on her website: www.tlz.co.za
Courses can also be designed to suit the client’s specific needs and requirements.
Contact details: Tel: +27 11 447 7706 Cell: +27 82 553 3581 email: terryz@mweb.co.za