Welcome to my next newsletter. I thank you in an advance for reading and please feel free
to share this with anyone who you believe will enjoy.
Many of you have read or heard of ‘The Secret’ – the book that sold millions of copies and then came
in for much criticism as people who read it became disillusioned that what they were wanting they
were not attracting! Let’s look at the practical application of the Law of Attraction and
how we can use this Law to attract health, wealth and happiness.
Charles Haanel describes the Law of Attraction as the greatest and most infallible law upon which
the entire system of creation depends. Simply put..The Law of Attraction says that whatever you
focus on, you will attract. So if you focus on the good and the positive you will attract more of
this into your life. Obviously as humans it is not easy to always focus on the good and the positive especially when we are struggling,
hurting or going through a difficult time. However remember to change one’s thinking requires discipline.
"If you do what you’ve always done you’ll get what you’ve always gotten."
Anthony Robbins
Our mind is fascinating and has two distinct parts. The Conscious - our objective,
surface and voluntary mind and the Subconscious - our subjective, deep and involuntary
mind. A wonderful and simple way to get a better understanding of the mind is to think
of it as a garden and you as the gardener. If you can imagine your subconscious mind
as a rich bed of soil and you the gardener are sowing seeds all the time. Whatever you
sow you reap – if you sow thorns you will not reap roses. A simple analogy. If you sow
thoughts of calm, peace, serenity, prosperity and whatever good you want in your life
so will your garden will produce the same. If you sow anger,
contempt, hatred, jealousy etc. so will your garden reap the same.
In other words change your thoughts and you change your destiny.
"All that we are is as a result of what we have thought"
Some interesting facts:
- the ability to manage 1 – 3 events at a time
- your short term memory i.e. about 20 – 30 seconds
- limited processing capacity
- the ability to process an average of 2000 pieces or bits of info per second
- the ability to manage thousands of events at a time
- your long term memory i.e. past experiences, values, beliefs, attitudes
- extensive processing ability
- the ability to process an average of 4 billion pieces or bits of info per second
Start by reading the poem by 13th Century author Rumi:
"You were born with potential
You were born with goodness and trust
You were born with ideals and dreams
You were born with greatness
You were born with wings
You are not meant for crawling so don’t;
You have wings … learn to use them and fly"
...and do any of these sound familiar?
"I can’t…"
"I don’t stand a chance…"
"I’m too stupid…old…fat…unattractive…"
"It’ll never happen…"
"I’ll probably fail…"