Management Training Consultants is a Training and Development company based in Illovo, Johannesburg.
It is run by Terry Zietsman who designs and trains programmes on a national and international basis.

For further details on courses, workshops and talks Terry can be contacted on:
Tel:+27 11 268 5231; Cell: +27 82 553 3581; Email: terryz@mweb.co.za
Quote of the month
"If we live good lives, the times are also good. As we are, such are the times"
St Augustine

Welcome to the first newsletter of the year. Here is wishing you a rewarding, successful, peaceful, fulfilling and youthful 2009!

Even if you are young there are some valuable pointers to take note of in this newsletter. For the more mature readers.. most of us would like to live to a good ripe old age so we can reap the fruits of our labours when we were younger. However living longer is not just about years, it’s about the quality of life, the energy levels and the looking and feeling good.

Research done by Cambridge, Stanford, Harvard and Yale Universities as well as other institutions and experts reveal some interesting commonalities. For the lucky some, good genes can of course have a positive impact on one’s longevity. However it is more the behaviours that we should be practising that will keep us dancing on the table – with rhythm and energy at 110!

"Age appears best in 4 things: old wood to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust and old authors to read." - Francis Bacon

1. EAT UP!
Certain foodstuffs without question can contribute to our longevity. Most people are aware that they should be eating at least 5 portions per day of fruits & vegetables which is true! Also recommended is more chicken and fish and less red meat. Researchers have also devised a rating for foods called ORAC (oxygen radical absorbency capacity). Interestingly where often you find the highest colour and flavour you find the highest ORAC. The aim is to consume at least 6000 ORACS daily. Listed below are a few foods that one can easily incorporate into one’s diet and just 3 of these per day will give one the anti-aging score of 6000.

1/3 ts cinnamon
½ cup raspberries, strawberries, cherries
An orange or apple
4 pieces of dark chocolate – 70% cocoa – YAY!
7/8 walnut/pecan halves
1/3 avocado pear
1/3 glass red wine – YAY again! (see later)

For the full list of ORACS visit www.patrickholford.com

"Appetite is the best sauce" - French Proverb


This book is a ‘how to’ guide for using the Law of Attraction to create the life we desire. It has practical exercises that address issues of clarity, purpose and action – in other words this is not about making wishes in the hope they will come true. It is about taking action to get what we want. Thought provoking and interesting it also will assist one in gaining a greater understanding of oneself.


Dr Livingston – a Vietnam war veteran and psychiatrist offers some 30 odd things we need to know about life. I loved his humour and what he shares. Most of it we know however some wonderful reminders. Some examples of what he shares… No one ever died of insomnia…. It is a sense of meaning that nourishes the soul….. Every snowflake in an avalanche pleads not guilty. A book to have on your bedside table to pick up and read a chapter or two before going to sleep. A special read!


In the same genre as the above, Sharma shares 101 simple solutions to life’s most frustrating challenges. This is a life lesson book that many of you should share with your children too! A combination of lessons and wisdom that offer much food for thought and motivation to take action!


Water and wine say the experts! The recommended daily quantity of water is 8 glasses and yes one can drink too much water! Believe it or not in South Africa where our drinking water is considered to be of high quality – tap water is still considered to be best. On a friendlier note if you enjoy wine - a glass or two of the good stuff has a positive impact on ones’ health. Wine in moderation is good for the heart, helps prevent blood clots and assists in boosting levels of good cholesterol. For those who enjoy a drink but don’t enjoy wine - a beer, whiskey or after dinner cognac is just the tonic the doctor ordered.

"A bottle of wine contains more philosophy than all the books in the world" - Louis Pasteur

Well after all that eating and drinking what can one say - time to get the bod moving! Research done by the Immanuel Medical Centre in Nebraska has proven that too much TV ages one! Sitting watching TV every day causes the muscles to sag and further research has proven that there is a direct link between ‘TV addiction’ and middle age spread! So what kind of exercise should one be doing? Anything that gets the heart working and strength training. Running, walking, cycling, swimming and golf are considered best together with some form of weight/strength training. Preferably 3 to 4 times per week.  

"Whenever I feel like exercising I lie down until the feeling passes" - Robert Hutchins

Research at Helsinki University has proven that people who have never smoked can add 10 years to their life. Not only does smoking decrease one’s life expectancy – other than the sun – it is the most aging of all behaviours and will add between 5-10 years onto your face. Cigarettes contain approximately 4000 chemicals including arsenic, DDT and formaldehyde. Nicotine also aggravates hardening of the arteries which is why most smokers are twice as likely to have strokes, heart disease and are more susceptible to allergies, chest infections, bronchitis and cancer. There is however good news! If you stop smoking, a year after you’ve taken your last drag, your risk of heart disease is cut by half. After 3 years of no smoking your risk has decreased to almost the same as someone who has never smoked. By the way just because you smoke less than 10 cigarettes a day doesn’t in any way decrease your risk. 

"Smoking is the great romance of my lifetime. If I could find someone I wanted
45 times a day perhaps I would stop!" -
Fran Lebowitz

Jasper Hunt, Professor of Experiential Education and Leadership studies at a US State University says that trying to escape risk and challenges is like to trying to escape living. The desire for overwhelming safety and security and not allowing oneself to be challenged causes the soul to stagnate. Hunt says choose to live a little more adventurously or die emotionally. The challenges keep us young. Food for thought!

"If one never took risks Michelangelo would have painted the Sistine floor" - Neil Simon

Allan Luks in his book the The Healing Power of Doing Good says that regular doses of altruism relieves stress and improves overall health. When we give to others we feel more inspired, more stimulated and less likely to focus on negativity in our own lives. This in turn boosts the feel good factor which in turn assists in reducing the aging process. Selfish and mean people age faster – woo hoo – so there is karma!

"What I kept, I lost. What I spent I had. What I gave I have" - Persian Proverb

Touch is not only of physical but of psychological benefit too. Touch releases a chemical called oxytocin which promotes calmness and responsiveness. An increase in oxytocin also makes one feel more capable of coping with life’s challenges. There are 2 ways to assist in releasing quantities of oxytocin and that is through massage and sex. Regular massages not only relax one but also improve blood circulation and boost the lymphatic toxin drainage functions. Interestingly having pets serves a similar function. Touching and stroking an animal is calming and relaxing and also creates a feel good factor. Regular sex is not only great physical exercise but also enhances mental and physical well being and keeps one young.

"My wife and I always hold hands. If I let go she shops" - Henry Youngman

In conclusion...the evidence is all there. If one can change one’s behaviours one can increase one’s life expectancy as well as grow older with grace, energy and looks! Stress management, identifying and knowing one’s values, making ‘me time’, adopting an attitude of gratitude, having good friends and laughter are also other behaviours one can implement to look forward to that dance on the table! So what’s to stop you other than yourself!

To read past copies of Terry's newsletters and what training programmes she offers visit her website:

"No matter how old one gets there is always something to look forward to"
Lynton Johnston


"Midlife is when you reach the top of the ladder only to find it was leaning against the wrong wall"
Joseph Campbell

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