Issue 42

Many of us are defensive of our busyness. We have:


To get more work

People to help

Friends to socialize with

Facebook to access

Chores to do…..the list is endless

Debt to eliminate

Children and families to manage

TV to watch!!

Tweets to make!!


I am not for one moment saying that being busy is bad. In fact being busy is good for us providing we keep it all in perspective. However what saddens me is that in being so busy many have lost focus. We feel guilty for blocks of unplanned time in our schedules. We look for productivity and time-saving apps and even join forums to discuss ways to get more things done. We aim to simplify our lives and in doing so make it more complicated.

I trust having read this you will reassess your level of Busyness and take necessary action …..after all life is shorter than you think!

With warmest regards


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Professional Member: Professional Speakers Association of Southern Africa (PSASA)

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