For some reason many people view being curious as being nosy. However the simple definition is…a strong desire to know or learn something. John Maxwell the well-known author on Leadership, in his book The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth says the following.?
“Curiosity helps a person to think and expand possibilities beyond the ordinary. Asking WHY? fires the imagination. It leads to discovery. It opens up options. It takes people beyond the ordinary and leads to extraordinary living…”
So why is curiosity so important?
Your mind…
The mind is a muscle which becomes stronger with exercise. By questing for knowledge, asking questions and searching for answers, your mind becomes stronger. Curiosity also makes the mind more observant i.e. one starts to anticipate and expect new ideas which one may have formerly missed. Curiosity helps us to see things differently...to become more intuitive and to become more interesting!
“Curiosity is one of the permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous mind” Samuel Johnson
Your health…
‘Psychology and Aging published a study in 1996 where over 1000 individuals between 60 and 86 were observed over a 5 year period. The adults who were curious, who read more and were more interested in what was going on around them, had a greater longevity regardless of whether they were smokers, had cancer or cardiovascular disease. An article in 2005 in the Health Psychology journal found that higher curiosity was associated with decreased hypertension and diabetes.
Your Intelligence…
To be curious is to grow and learn. You will discover new experiences and insights. Studies have shown that adults with high levels of curiosity have greater analytical ability, problem solving skills and overall intelligence.
“Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.” Bryant H McGill
On a personal note – one of my joys and happiness – Angelia Bella – my Vespa. Having always been curious about how it would feel to ride a bike/scooter, I bought her 2 years ago. What a joy!
I have also always had a fascination with elephants – me recently – the look on my face says it all!
How can you cultivate and tune into ones curiosity?
ASK QUESTIONS - relentlessly. Make WHY your favourite word. Learn to dig deeper than just the surface. |
READ - diversely – from magazines to fiction to non-fiction. It has been said that reading non-fiction makes you wise, reading fiction keeps you sane! There is a plethora of information out there – tap into it! |
BE OPEN - to learning, relearning and unlearning. Don’t make judgements about the status quo – ask questions. Have the mind-set of a beginner. |
HAVE FUN - see the process of being curious as having fun. Just as a child explores, questions, wonders and laughs – approach your curiosity the same way. |
ASSOCIATE - with like-minded people – you will be surprised what you can learn from each other. |
LEARN - something new every day – you will be surprised at how little we know! |
CULIVATE YOUR LISTENING SKILLS - instead of making assumptions and listening ahead of people as we are so wont to do, become a better listener. Become comfortable with the words... that is interesting…tell me more… |
In closing, may the rest of 2013 be a year of love for you – in every way. Surround yourself with it, embrace it, share it and give it.
With warmest regards  |
Contact Terry on +27 82 553 3581 or Shayna on +27 79 299 6189 for any details or information on any of the courses. To read past newsletters or see what training programs are available, visit www.tlz.co.za
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