February has always been considered the month of love. My personal opinion is that Valentine’s Day has become an over commercialised hype and a waste of money. However, I do believe in love... the love of family and friends... the love of one’s work and career... the love of life... the love of one’s pets and animals and very importantly the love of self. What I find so concerning at the moment is that we are surrounded by so much violence, crime, rape, murder and negativity - what is happening to us? Have we forgotten the power of love?

So what is love?

Since time immemorial philosophers, poets and songwriters have waxed lyrical on this subject. Love is an emotion... a sentiment which is embraced differently by individuals. It is a feel good... a joy... a passion... a delight... an energy. Love reminds us that we are alive. Scientific studies also show that love enhances our immunity and our longevity. Every act of love loosens the shackles of our ego. We need to learn to love more, and in so doing, feed our souls.

Some reminders

With family and friends:

Accept you cannot change someone or put another way – be the change you want to see.
Learn to listen attentively – we so often listen with filters and we hear what we choose too!
Communicate openly and express what you feel – both the positive and the negative.
Set healthy boundaries if you need to – especially with extended family.
Touch more – there is immense power in affection.
Express gratitude and praise instead of criticism.
Take a look at yourself too!

At work:

Get organised – the less the clutter the better you will feel.
Change your attitude (stop being a negative ninny!)
Look for challenges and ask for them if need be.
Know there will always be mundane tasks that you don’t enjoy – accept them and do them willingly.
Have fun – humour is a wonderful way to lighten things up and enjoy the workplace.
Set yourself goals and strive to achieve them. Part of enjoying what one does is knowing there are opportunities for growth and development.
However, if you hate your job that much then change it – hopefully you will find something you love and I am sure your ex-colleagues will be happier too!



Become more self-aware- know your strengths and weaknesses – we all have them. Be proud of what you do well.
Practice neotonous (childlike) behaviour – learn to see things through a child’s eyes. Take pleasure in the small things that give you joy that as adults we so often forget.
Be kind to yourself – give yourself a break – we can be our own harshest and cruellest critics.
Learn to praise yourself instead of criticise...
Understand that the negatives and pain are there for your growth and development – learn from them
and move on!
Stop comparing yourself to others – it’s a total waste of time and energy!
Practice self forgiveness for past and present mistakes and then move on.
Learn and appreciate the value of me-time – do things that give you pleasure – even Pilates!

In closing, may the rest of 2013 be a year of love for you – in every way. Surround yourself with it, embrace it, share it and give it.

With warmest regards


Contact Terry on +27 82 553 3581 or Shayna on +27 79 299 6189 for any details or information on any of the courses.
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